Courses & Workshops/Jul 07, 2020

Online Teaching for Medieval Studies: Philosophies, Learning Plans, and Promising Tools: Webinar I

Online Teaching for Medieval Studies: Philosophies, Learning Plans, and Promising Tools: Webinar I lead image

Webinar I: Thinking and Teaching Online: Best-Practices and Inspired Learning at a Distance, Medieval Academy of America Webinar, July 14, 2020, 12:00–3:00 pm

This two-part webinar focuses on approaches to teaching the Middle Ages for online learning. The webinars are designed to help medievalists of all disciplines adopt and adapt existing strategies, platforms, and tools for teaching online in the fall of 2020 and beyond. Understanding that most institutions have their own required training sessions and online learning platforms, these webinars showcase ideas behind critical pedagogies for online learning with tools and applications specifically designed by and oriented for use by medievalists. The goal of these webinars is to bring together scholars proficient in online learning and design to give an overview of best practices and how medievalists can use and maximize the many DH offerings for learning and research that currently exist. Each webinar will reserve half of the allotted time (1 hour) to address the pedagogical philosophies of teaching and learning online, followed by a series of 'Tool Talks' (1.5 hours), featuring a selection of medievalist-friendly digital tools for use with students. We will reserve time to address questions after each section to foster a scholarly exchange about approaches to teaching and learning.

Both webinars will be recorded and made available through the MAA YouTube Channel. In addition, we will also partner with the Middle Ages for Educators site to embed the shorter ‘Tool Talks,’ accompanied by linked materials which might include further readings, suggestions for assessment, or relevant online resources. We anticipate adding to these throughout the summer, even after the conclusion of this webinar series.


Thinking about Pedagogy as Medievalists
Leah Shopkow (History, Indiana University)

Instructional Design and Course Planning for Online Teaching 
Olena Zhadko (Director of Online Education, Lehman College, CUNY) and Susan Ko (Faculty Development Consultant, Lehman College, CUNY)

Christine de Pizan through Story Maps (tool talk)
David Wrisley (Digital Humanities, NYU Abu Dhabi)

Telling the Past and Researching in the Present - using podcasts in pedagogy (tool talk)
Nicholas Paul (History, Fordham University)

Digital Exhibitions on Artsteps" (tool talk)
Liz Lastra (Art History, University of Hong Kong)

Advance registration required.