Publications/Apr 10, 2020

New Issue of The Byzantine Review (2020)

New Issue of The Byzantine Review (2020) lead image

The Byzantine Review, volume 2 (2020).


Athanasios Kambylis, Graeca – Byzantina – Neograeca. Schriften zur griechischen Sprache und Literatur. Herausgegeben von Foteini Kolovou und Günter Prinzing (Supplementa Byzantina, Texte und Untersuchungen 11). Berlin – Boston 2020. 
Review by Michael Grünbart 

Michael Psellus, Epistulae. Vol. 1–2, edidit Stratis Papaioannou (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana 2030). Berlin – Boston: de Gruyter 2019. 
Review by Dmitrij Chernoglazov 

Marcel Frederik Schwarze, Byzanz und das 6. Jahrhundert. Alltagskultur, Hinterlassenschaft und Veränderung – Aufbruch und Umbruch im Reich der Römer. Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2018.
Review by Jennifer Wahlbring 

Anna Sklabenite, Συμβολή στη μελέτη των επιστολών του Νικηφόρου Γρηγορά. Athen: Kanake 2019.
Review by Michael Grünbart 

Anthony Kaldellis, Romanland. Ethnicity and Empire in Byzantium. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019. 
Review by Stefanos Dimitriadis 

Petra Melichar, Empresses of Late Byzantium: Foreign Brides, Mediators and Pious Women. Berlin: Peter Lang 2007.
Review by Adam Goldwyn 

The Byzantine Review (ISSN 2699-4267) is an online journal, in which reviews, notes and reports on current publications from all areas of Byzantine studies (history, philology, archaeology, numismatics, sigillography, literature) are published. The timeframe ranges from Late Anti­quity to the 15th century; since Byzantine studies form an interdisciplinary discipline, the emphasis is also placed on the history of entanglement, transfer and reception. The contri­butions are published in German, English, French, Italian and Modern Greek.