Publications/Nov 29, 2017

New Issue of Journal of European Economic History XLVI.2

New Issue of Journal of European Economic History XLVI.2 lead image

The Journal of European Economic History, volume XLVI, issue 2 (2017).


John Haldon’s The Empire That Would Not Die: A Symposium
Paolo Tedesco, Yannis Stouraitis, Michele Campopiano, Salvatore Cosentino, and Federico Montinaro

The Political Economy of Survival: The Eastern Roman Empire’s Transition to the Early Middle Ages
Paolo Tedesco

Identity as Ideology in the Empire that Would Not Die
Yannis Stouraitis

The End of an Era? The Impact of Early Islamic Expansion on Economic and Social Structures in the Byzantine East
Michele Campopiano

The “Empire That Would Not Die” Looks West
Salvatore Cosentino

Killing “Empire”: Goldilocks and the Three Byzantine Kommerkiarioi
Federico Montinaro