Publications/Aug 30, 2017

New Issue of Journal of Ancient Christianity, 21.2

New Issue of Journal of Ancient Christianity, 21.2 lead image

Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity, volume 21, issue 2 (August 2017).


Syrische Fragmente des Kommentars Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 1. Korintherbrief
Konrad F. Zawadzki

The present article provides the first complete edition of all extant Syriac extracts from Cyril of Alexandria’s commentary on 1 Corinthians. In the article, the extracts are translated into German and extensively analysed for the first time. The analysis relates to both the language and the theological content of the edited texts. Moreover, a detailed linguistic comparison between the Syriac extracts and the existing corresponding Greek texts is also presented here. The article concludes among others with some reflections on the significance of the edited Syriac texts for the Greek manuscript tradition of Cyril’s commentary.

Christliche Explikationen in der Gesetzgebung Justinians I.
Karen Piepenbrink

The paper examines the extent and role of Christian explications in Justinian’s imperial legislation – beyond the programmatic formulations in the prologues of the novels which have often been studied. It shows that the significance of Christian arguments in order to justify legal measures is rather limited and unspecific, while traditional arguments which are based on Roman law discourse are still of great importance. These are often neither transformed in a Christian way nor synthesized with Christian ideas. This is true for the whole reign of Justinian and thereby not restricted to the period of Tribonian. Since 541/542 A. D. there is just a gradual but not fundamental change in this respect. Though Justinian focuses very much on a theological foundation of his reign he has to meet the expectations of the members of the senatorial elite which are legally trained and often deeply rooted in Roman memorial culture.