Publications/Sep 11, 2019

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (59.3)

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (59.3) lead image

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, volume 59, no. 3 (2019).


A Script for a Sixth-Century Mime (P.Oxy. LXXIX 5189)
C. W. Marshall and Melissa Funke

The preserved stage directions and the repetitions in the dialogue make possible a tentative reconstruction of the mime’s narrative, the duping of a soldier and his parasite by two elderly domestic slaves.

The Geometric Mosaic of the Bath at Khirbet Yajuz: A Comparative Study
Mahmoud Arinat and Mohammad Nassar

The mosaic panels published here, of Byzantine date, show both traditional and novel geometric designs when studied alongside other mosaics from the region of Jordan and beyond.

Late Paganism as Witnessed by the Syriac Cave of Treasures
Alexander Toepel

The parabiblical narrative, written ca. 600, shows the author’s awareness of Hellenised oriental cults still surviving at Harran and Baalbek, of Zoroastrianism fire-worship, and of astrology.

Byzantine Particles, a Case Study: Juxtaposed τε καί and δέ in Medieval Dodecasyllables
Julie Boeten

The positioning of these particles in book epigrams suggests that the dodecasyllable can exhibit secondary pauses in addition to the primary caesura, and that δέ and τε have become semantically bleached to the point of being almost interchangeable.