Publications/Aug 24, 2017

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 57.3

New Issue of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 57.3 lead image

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, volume 57, no. 3 (2017).


Anth.Gr. 15.12 de Léon le Philosophe comme source autobiographique
Tatiana A. Sénina

The meditation on life’s prospects was written in youth, not old age, and may reflect Leo’s appointment to teach at the Church of the Forty Martyrs in the early 830s.

John of Sardis’ Commentary on Aphthonius’ Progymnasmata: Logic in Ninth-Century Byzantium
Byron David MacDougall

John’s application of logical material, drawn especially from commentaries on Porphyry and Aristotle, to explain Aphthonius’ exercises shows his and his readers’ familiarity with the essential principles of logic.

For Use in Schools: Prosodical Marks in Two Pre-Palaeologan Manuscripts of Pindar
Almut Fries

The long and short marks in two 12/13th century ms., probably teaching texts, reveal a stage of understanding of prosody midway between that of Isaac Tzetzes earlier and Triclinius in the 14th century.

The Emperor Manuel’s Cross in Notre Dame: On its Origin and Path
Alexander V. Maiorov

The reliquary cross probably passed from Constantinople to the Galician-Volhynian prince Roman Mstislavich when he married the daughter of Isaak II Angelos ca. 1200; it was seized by the Polish crown in the fourteenth century.

Benedictus and his Greek-Latin Dictionary: Escorial Σ I.12
Gábor Bolonyai

A 15th-cent. copy of the Pseudo-Cyril dictionary is shown by a contemporary MS. in Vienna to be by Benedetto Bursa, and this allows a reconstruction of his scholarly career in making Greek known in the West.