Publications/Dec 16, 2022

New Issue of Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Volume 76)

New Issue of Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Volume 76) lead image

Dumbarton Oaks Papers, volume 76 (2022).


The Memory Prison: Carceral and Sacred Space in an Ekphrasis by John Climacus
Ravinder S. Binning 

The Cathedral of Faras as a Monument of Medieval Nubian Memory
Grzegorz OchaƂa

“Trampling the Old Laws”: Traces of Papal Latinity in the Old Slavonic Vita Methodii 
Jakub Kabala

From the Monastery of the Theotokos tou Roidiou to Simanaklay?: Greek and Armenian Cilician Monks in a Changing World 
Daniel Oltean

Heretics, Dissidents, and Society: Narrating the Trial of John bar ‘Abdun Alexandre M. Roberts

Law and Orthodoxy under the Komnenoi: The Appendix to Alexios Aristenos’s Canonical Commentary
James Morton 

Performing Military Leadership in Komnenian Byzantium: Emperor Manuel I, His Generals, and the Hungarian Campaign of 1167
Tristan Schmidt

Classicizing Visions of Constantinople after 1204: Niketas Choniates’ De signis Reconsidered 
Foteini Spingou

Poetry of Turmoil: Stephanos Sgouropoulos to Alexios III Megas Komnenos
Krystina Kubina

Pillars of Empire: The Economic Role of the Large Islands of the Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
Salvatore Cosentino

A Lost World That Never Died: Early Medieval Urbanism in the Byzantine Islands of the Western Mediterranean
Luca Zavagno

Georgian Manuscripts Produced in Eleventh-Century Constantinople 
Zaza Skhirtladze and Darejan Kldiashvili