Byzantinische Zeitschrift, volume 108, issue 1 (July 2015)
Karl Krumbacher and the history of Byzantine literature
Panagiotis A. Agapitos
Diving for pearls and Tzetzes’ death
Eric Cullhed
The Soterios Project revisited: status quaestionis and the future edition
Marc De Groote
Der Briefbericht des Frater Simon über den Fall von Konstantinopel 1453
Martina Giese and Karoline D. Döring
Fragmente aus dem „Pandektes“ des Antiochos Monachos in der Palimpsesthandschrift Collegio Greco 2
Peter Isépy
Rice as food and medication in ancient and Byzantine medical literature
Maciej Kokoszko, Krzysztof Jagusiak, and Zofia Rzeźnicka
The “king of Francia” in De cerimoniis II, 48
Predrag Komatina
A user of the Chronicle of Joel
Dean Sakel
The propaganda value of imperial patronage: ecclesiastical foundations and charitable establishments in the late twelfth century
Alicia Simpson
Kaukasische Aristokraten auf byzantinischer Karriereleiter
Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt
The cultural dynamics of the term Hellanodikes in Palaiologan Byzantium
Sophia Xenophontos