Funding/Oct 31, 2022

NEH Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations Grants, 2023 Competition

NEH Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations Grants, 2023 Competition lead image

The Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations program provides grants to organizations to support collaborative teams who are editing, annotating, and translating foundational humanities texts that are vital to scholarship but are currently inaccessible or only available in inadequate editions or translations. Typically, the texts are significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials, but works in other humanities fields may also be the subject of an edition.

The program supports continuous full-time or part-time activities during the period of performance of one to three years. At least two scholars must work collaboratively on the project. Typical project expenses include salary for editorial and research activities, travel to collections to verify source material, and consultant fees for translation, editorial work, and the implementation of a digital edition.

In addition to supporting editorial projects at an implementation stage, the program also encourages applications for up to two-year projects at a planning stage that are determining the scope of the corpus, collecting documents, establishing the editorial and translation policies, evaluating the target audiences and determining their needs, selecting collaborators, and planning for dissemination and digital sustainability.

To be eligible to apply, you must be established in the United States or its jurisdictions as one of the following organization types:

  • a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • an accredited institution of higher education (public or nonprofit)
  • a state or local government or one of their agencies
  • a federally recognized Native American Tribal government

If you are an eligible applicant, you may apply on behalf of a consortium of collaborating organizations.