Funding/Nov 01, 2022

NEH Collaborative Research Grants, 2023 Competition

NEH Collaborative Research Grants, 2023 Competition lead image

The NEH Collaborative Research program aims to advance humanistic knowledge by fostering rich scholarship that a single researcher could not accomplish working alone. The program supports sustained collaboration by teams of two or more scholars. Teams may propose research in a single field of study or interdisciplinary work. NEH encourages projects that incorporate multiple points of view and pursue new avenues of inquiry in the humanities.

Collaborators may come from one or more institutions. NEH encourages partnerships with researchers from the natural and social sciences, but projects must address humanistic questions and employ humanistic methods. International collaboration is welcome, but scholars at U.S. institutions must contribute significantly to the project. Collaboration among different types of institutions is welcome.

Proposed projects must aim to result in tangible and sustainable outcomes, such as a co-authored or multi-authored book; a themed issue of a peer-reviewed journal; a series of peer-reviewed articles; a born-digital publication; or an open-access website or other digital resource. All project outcomes must incorporate collaboration and interpretation to address significant humanities research questions.

The program includes four project categories: Planning International Collaboration, Convening, Manuscript Preparation, and Scholarly Digital Projects.

To be eligible to apply, you must be established in the United States or its jurisdictions as one of the following organization types:

  • a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the
  • Internal Revenue Code
  • an accredited institution of higher education (public or nonprofit)
  • a state or local government or one of their agencies
  • a federally recognized Native American Tribal government

If you are an eligible applicant, you may apply on behalf of a consortium of collaborating organizations.