Calls for Papers/Oct 06, 2022

Mediterranean Exchanges: 3rd Mediterranean Studies Symposium

Mediterranean Exchanges: 3rd Mediterranean Studies Symposium lead image

Mediterranean Exchanges: 3rd Mediterranean Studies Symposium, Centre for Mediterranean Studies (CMS), Dubrovnik, June 29–July 1, 2023

Generally speaking, and despite the complexity of the definition of the Mediterranean, scholars understand the Mediterranean as the space in which interactions, encounters, influences, exchanges of various kinds and reinventions have taken place among different peoples throughout different historical eras, and across geographical, political and cultural boundaries. Thus, there is an abundance of possibilities of investigation regarding its ever-growing diversity manifested in commercial exchanges, military campaigns, colonial experiences, travel tours and pilgrimage, art transmissions and adaptations, and environmental initiatives. 

Interdisciplinary approaches from humanities, social sciences, media studies and other fields of research are pivotal. Any historical period of reference is welcome, though we would strongly encourage presenters to look at the region’s current complexities. 

This third Mediterranean Studies symposium will be held in picturesque Dubrovnik, Croatia, at the Centre for Mediterranean Studies (CMS), which was founded by the University of Zagreb.

Official language will be English (even though each session’s Q/A may be conducted in the language most comfortable for all parties involved).