Lectures/Apr 12, 2022

Mediterranean Crossroads

Mediterranean Crossroads lead image

Mediterranean Crossroads, Byzantinist Society of Cyprus Online Lecture Series, Spring–Sumer 2022

The Byzantinist Society of Cyprus is organizing an online lecture series under the general title “Mediterranean Crossroads”. During the first cycle of the series (Spring-Summer 2022), Professors Judith Herrin, Alessandro Taddei and Athanasios Markopoulos will offer presentations shedding light on different aspects of Byzantine history and culture. The lecture series aims at the promotion of Byzantine and Medieval Studies through the research perspectives of leading international scholars. Cyprus and the Mediterranean have been at the crossroads of history and culture and as such the lectures highlight the work and the mission of the Byzantinist Society of Cyprus.


April 14 | 7:00 pm (Athens)
Should the period 400-800AD be called Early Christendom? The view from Ravenna
Judith Herrin (King's College London, emerita)

May 19 | 7:00 pm (Athens)
The Early Life of the Megale Ekklesia of Constantinople (4th–5th Century): History and Architecture
Alessandro Taddei (Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza")

June 9 | 7:00 pm (Athens)
Education in Byzantium
Athanasios Markopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Lecture will be given in Greek