Lectures/Oct 28, 2019

Medieval Scholia on Sophocles: Reading Electra at Manuel Moschopoulos’ School

Medieval Scholia on Sophocles: Reading Electra at Manuel Moschopoulos’ School lead image

Medieval Scholia on Sophocles: Reading Electra at Manuel Moschopoulos’ School, lecture by Andrea Cuomo (Austrian Academy of Sciences), University of Cyprus, October 29, 2019, 7:30 pm

The lecture will develop two main points: (1) The Moschopoulean scholia on the Byzantine Triad of Sophocles: the editing, the content, and the context. (2) The Medieval Reader: how were the Greek classics read in the early Palaeologan era (more precisely between the 1290s and the 1360s)? How may the recovery of Medieval reading practices change our way of interpreting Medieval Greek texts? A short preamble will introduce Sophocles’ Electra and illustrate its place within the ancient playwright’s work, and in the context of the ancient theatre.

Andrea Massimo Cuomo is a researcher at the Division of Byzantine Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. His main areas of research include classical education in Palaeologan Byzantium, historical sociolinguistics, and late Byzantine scholia on Sophocles.