Funding/Jan 04, 2016

LMU Research Fellowships, 2016–2018

LMU Research Fellowships, 2016–2018 lead image

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München will award up to 10 Research Fellowships to excellent junior academics in 2016.

The LMU Research Fellowships are an integral part of the LMU Academic Career Program, aimed at recruiting excellent early-career postdocs. Candidates from all fields of research who have completed their doctoral studies with outstanding results within the last three years may apply. The Fellowships will be awarded for two years. In exceptional cases, funding for an extra year will be awarded to projects for which additional research time is needed due to the scope and originality of the planned research.

Candidates must present an independent research project as part of their application. Applications may be submitted in English or German.