Publications/May 22, 2020

Living the End of Antiquity: Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt

Living the End of Antiquity: Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt lead image

Sabine R. Huebner, Eugenio Garosi, Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello, Matthias Müller, Stefanie Schmidt, and Matthias Stern, eds. Living the End of Antiquity: Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt. Millennium-Studien/Millennium Studies, 84. De Gruyter, 2020

From De Gruyter

This volume covers the transition period stretching from the reign of Justinian I to the end of the 8th cent., focusing on the experience of individuals who lived through the last decades of Byzantine rule in Egypt before the arrival of the new Arab rulers. The contributions drawing from the wealth of sources we have for Egypt, explore phenomena of stability and disruption during the transition from the classical to the postclassical world.