Publications/Sep 18, 2020

La Diplomatie Byzantine, de l’Empire Romain aux Confins de l’Europe

La Diplomatie Byzantine, de l’Empire Romain aux Confins de l’Europe lead image

Nicolas Drocourt and Élisabeth Malamut, eds. La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.). The Medieval Mediterranean, volume 123. Brill, 2020.

From Brill

In La Diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.), twelve studies explore from novel angles the complex history of Byzantine diplomacy. After an Introduction, the volume turns to the period of late antiquity and the new challenges the Eastern Roman Empire had to contend with. It then examines middle-Byzantine diplomacy through chapters looking at relations with Arabs, Rus’ and Bulgarians, before focusing on various aspects of the official contacts with Western Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. A thematic section investigates the changes to and continuities of diplomacy throughout the period, in particular by considering Byzantine alertness to external political developments, strategic use of dynastic marriages, and the role of women as diplomatic actors.