Publications/Jul 08, 2016

La conversion de Gaza au christianisme

La conversion de Gaza au christianisme lead image

Anna Lampadaridi, ed. and trans. La conversion de Gaza au christianisme. La Vie de S. Porphyre de Gaza par Marc le Diacre (BHG 1570). Subsidia Hagiographica - 95. Société des Bollandistes, 2016.

From Société des Bollandistes

A fundamental source for the history of the Christianization of the Middle East, the Life of the holy bishop Porphyry narrates in detail how, at the beginning of the 5th century, on the saint’s initiative, the main temple of Gaza was replaced by a Christian church. This new critical edition of the Greek text, accompanied by a French translation and a rich historical commentary, allow us to perceive the many concrete details it contains about late antique society (building methods, travels, urban administration, marble trade, religious conflicts…).