Publications/Jun 11, 2019

Karien in Portulanen und Portulankarten von der Antike bis in die Frühosmanische Zeit

Karien in Portulanen und Portulankarten von der Antike bis in die Frühosmanische Zeit lead image

Friedrich Hild. Karien in Portulanen und Portulankarten von der Antike bis in die frühosmanische Zeit. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2019.

From Austrian Academy of Sciences Press

Portolans and portolan charts (nautical manuals and charts) are not only important sources for the geography and physical changes of the coastline, especially as a result of coastal subsidence or alluvial formation at the mouth of rivers, but also for historical changes in settlement activity, which may also be linked to physical changes. In the present work we have succeeded to locate the exact (or in a few cases, approximate) location of all the toponyms mentioned in the portolans and portolan charts and to explain the often incomprehensible names. The texts from the written sources, some of which are difficult to access, are presented in a separate chapter and supplemented by a large number of maps and images. This volume is thus an important supplementation to “Meilensteine, Straßen und das Verkehrsnetz der Provinz Karia“ (2014) from the same author as well as to several lemmata of the 18th volume of „Tabula Imperii Byzantini“ Series (in preparation) and therefore of special relevance for Byzantine Studies, Toponomastics, and Topological and Historical Studies of the province of Caria.