The Govering Body of St Catharine's College invites applications for election to two Research Fellowships, one stipendiary and the other non-stipendiary, tenable from 1 October 2016 for three yars. The Fellowships are open to graduates of any University who (i) are members of the College, or (ii) not being members of the College, are engaged in research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
We encourage applications for the non-stipendiary Fellowship from candidates who have secured external research funding for three years from 1 October 2016.
Fellowships will normally be awarded to those who have recently completed their PhD research, or are close to completion. Candidates should not have been engaged in postdoctoral research for more than one year, nor have already held a College Research Fellowship.
A Research Fellow may undertake up to a maximum of six hours of undergraduate teaching per week during term, which will be remunerated separately, but will not be 0permitted to undertake paid work or to hold any other appointment, award or emolument, without the consent of the Governing Body. Research Fellows are normally expected to spend the tenure of their Fellowship in Cambridge and to contribute to the life of the College, but permission may be grated for periods of research away from Cambridge.