Johannes Malalas, der Chronist als Zeithistoriker

Johannes Malalas, der Chronist als Zeithistoriker lead image

John Malalas, the Chronicler as an Historian of his Own Times/Johannes Malalas, der Chronist als Zeithistoriker, Evangelisches Stift, Tübingen, February 21–22, 2018

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Tübingen Seminar for Ancient History are pleased to announce the 4th Malalas International Conference, "John Malalas, the Chronicler as an Historian of his own times", organised by the Academy's "Philological-Historical Commentary to the chronicle of John Malalas" research group, and to be held at the Evangelisches Stift, Tübingen, on 21-22 February 2018.


The conference is open to anyone and attendance is free. Registration before 16 February is required (