Calls for Papers/Feb 09, 2016

IXe Edition des Rencontres Internationales des Doctorants en Études Byzantines

IXe Edition des Rencontres Internationales des Doctorants en Études Byzantines lead image

IXe Edition des Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, October 7–8, 2016

For the ninth consecutive year, the Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines will be held in Paris on the 7th and the 8th of October 2016. These Meetings, organised by the Association des Etudiants du Monde Byzantin (AEMB), have known a great success since 2010 and shown the importance of Byzantine studies for the scientific community.

These two-day Meetings aim at bringing together PhD students of all nationalities whose research deals with Byzantine civilization, regardless of their field of specialization (Art, Archaeology, History, Literature, Philosophy...). There is no particular theme imposed in order to promote disciplinary diversity. Each speaker is asked to present his research topic or focus on one of its aspects for twenty minutes.

The Meetings encourage discussions between speakers and the audience in order to raise questions about approaches and allow everyone to share knowledge and experience.

These Meetings also give young scholars the opportunity to present their work, for some in a foreign language, and in a clear and structured way. Moreover, contributors will have the possibility to publish their papers in the online journal Porphyra, if the text is accepted by the scientific committee of the journal.

We would welcome proposals encouraging dynamic and multidisciplinary collaborations, which are essential to the success of the International Meetings of PhD Students in Byzantine Studies.