Calls for Papers/Sep 16, 2016

IV Forum Kunst des Mittelalters / Forum Medieval Art

IV Forum Kunst des Mittelalters / Forum Medieval Art lead image

IV Forum Kunst des Mittelalters / Forum Medieval Art, Berlin and Brandenburg, September 20–23, 2017

The theme for the 4th Forum Medieval Art is 360° – Places, Boundaries, Global Perspectives. It will focus on research at the geographical and methodological boundaries of classical medieval studies. The various venues in Berlin and Brandenburg with their medieval heritage and their rich collections of Byzantine and Middle Eastern will be taken as a starting point.


Session 1: Immobile – Mobile? Reference areas of architecture and context bound artistic genres
Sponsor: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi. Arbeitsstelle für Glasmalereiforschung
Organizer: Maria Deiters (Potsdam)

Session 2: „Hotspots“ – big cities of late antiquity and the middle ages in Asia and Europe from a transcultural perspective (400-1500)
Organizers: Juliane von Fircks (Mainz) & Katharina Schüppel (Dortmund)

Session 3: Aesthetic aspects of holiness in medieval pictorial arts and Islamic calligraphy
Organizers: Heidrun Stein-Kecks, Georges Tamer & Berenike Metzler (Erlangen)

Session 4: Objects and Elites. Sponsors of cultural interlacing processes in centers of the 12th and 13th centuries
Organizers: Joanna Olchawa (Osnabrück) & Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck (Bonn)

Session 5: Nordic Splendour: Medieval Church Furnishings in Scandinavia
Organizers: Justin Kroesen (Bergen)

Session 6a: Exchange and Entanglement I: Exchange and Entanglement: Early Medieval Objects and the Insular World
Organizers: Tina Bawden (Berlin) & Catherine Karkov (Leeds)

Session 7: Armenia and the Christian Orient: Networks, Transculturality, Periodization, Concepts of Style
Organizer: Christiane Esche-Ramshorn (Freiburg und Cambridge)

Session 8: Oltremare. Southern Italy in the Middle Ages and Cultural Exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean
Organizers: Kai Kappel (Berlin) & Tanja Michalsky (Rom)

Session 9: To the End of the World – Artistic exchange by cross border trade in the Hanseatic region
Organizers: Gerhard Weilandt (Greifswald), Kerstin Petermann & Dr. Anja Rasche (Lübeck)

Session 10: The Treasury of San Isidoro de León and its Global Connections
Sponsor: International Center of Medieval Art – ICMA, New York
Organizer: Jitske Jasperse (Madrid)

Session 11: In Search of Crusader Art: Current Approaches and New Perspectives
Organizer: Ioanna Christoforaki (Athens)

Session 12: Late Byzantine Ornaments (13th-15th Centuries): Crossing Genres, Cultural Boundaries and Research Disciplines
Sponsor: Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, Brookline (MA)
Organizer: Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie (Mainz)

Session 13: The world in medieval church treasures
Organizers: Evelin Wetter & Regula Schorta (Riggisberg)

Session 14: Imperial Princes und Magnates in Eastern Middle Europe, 1300–1450
Sponsor: Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO), Leipzig
Organizers: Jiři Fajt (Prag), Christian Forster & Markus Hörsch (Leipzig)

Session 15: Alterity – Alterität
Organizers: Beatrice Kitzinger (Princeton) & Andrea Worm (Graz)