Calls for Papers/Oct 28, 2021

Interruptions & Disruptions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 400–1500,

Interruptions & Disruptions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 400–1500, lead image

Interruptions & Disruptions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 400–1500, Seventh Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean (SMM), University of Crete, July 11–15, 2022

In response to the abrupt and largely unforeseen way in which the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown our world and everyday life into uncertainty since early 2020, the theme of the 7th International Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean (SMM) is Interruptions and Disruptions. Scholars are invited to explore and challenge meanings and experiences of interruptions and to reflect upon whether and to what extent interruptions prompted change or acted as ‘turning points’ in the medieval Mediterranean.

We invite papers that examine the theme of interruptions from different disciplinary perspectives, including History, Archaeology, Literature, Linguistics, Art History, Religious Studies/Theology, and any other disciplines focusing on the medieval Mediterranean. We welcome research papers that, through the analysis of diverse types of sources, apply innovative approaches and stimulate debates to reflect upon individual and collective perceptions and experiences of interruptions.

The following list of possible topics of discussion is indicative and by no means exclusive:

  • Crisis and recovery
  • Epidemics and natural catastrophes
  • War, invasion, conquest
  • Dynastic change
  • Social unrest and rebellion
  • Disruption of social, religious and/or cultural systems
  • Political interruptions
  • Material evidence of interruptions
  • Integration and segregation
  • Geographical interruptions: insularity, land and sea, mountain and plain
  • Displacement and mobility
  • Lived experience of interruptions
  • Interruptions and historiography
  • Apocalypticism

Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for panels of three 20-minute papers each for 1.5 hour sessions, and should nominate a chair. We will do our best to accommodate applications for individual papers but panels will be prioritised.

Papers must be delivered in English.