Calls for Papers/May 11, 2016

In Se@rch of Wisdom

In Se@rch of Wisdom lead image

In Se@rch of Wisdom: Knowledge Spaces and Networks across the Mediterranean Sea, 10th Complutense Conference on Medieval Art, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, November 2–4, 2016

The aim of this conference is to deepen into the various insights of the construction of spaces and the production of works of art linked to sciences and knowledge in the Middle Ages, throughout different geographical, cultural, and social realms within the Mediterranean area.

Paper proposals in Spanish, English, or French should be framed within the four conference sessions:

  1. Mirror of Princes: paideia, uirtus and adab is focused on secular places of knowledge.
  2. Science and its usages deals with those spaces and networks where medieval science was developed.
  3. Books and their spaces is devoted to the production of Medieval manuscripts and the places for books.
  4. Masters, sages, and patrons analyzes the relationship between patrons, artisans, and knowledge producers, paying special attention to synergies of all those linked to scientific development.

Priority will be given to those innovative approaches, critical analyses or insights into the specific framework of the session topics, especially those linked to al-Andalus, Hispanic Kingdoms or Medieval Egypt.