Funding/Feb 01, 2017

ICMA Student Travel Grant, 2017–2018

ICMA Student Travel Grant, 2017–2018 lead image

The International Center of Medieval Art has initiated a new form of grant for graduate students in the early stages of their dissertation research. Three grants will be awarded this year, at $3,000 each, to enable a student to travel to Europe (including the Eastern Mediterranean) to visit the monuments or museum objects or manuscripts on which the dissertation will be based. The grant is designed to cover one month of travel. The ICMA will contact institutions and/or individuals in the area to be visited; these will help the student gain access to the relevant material and aid in other practical matters.

The grant is designed primarily for the student who has finished the preliminary exams, and is in the process of formulating a dissertation topic. Students who have already submitted a proposal, but are still very early on in the process of their research, may also apply.  

All applicants must be ICMA members.