Events/Feb 04, 2020

ICMA and Expanding the Medieval World

ICMA and Expanding the Medieval World lead image

ICMA and Expanding the Medieval World, The Arts Club of Chicago, February 13, 2020, 5:00 pm

The International Center of Medieval Art presents ICMA and Expanding the Medieval World, an hour-long panel discussing the multiplicities found within and outside the traditional boundaries of medieval art and culture, and their connections to the greater world.

Helen C. Evans, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Margaret Graves, Indiana University
Avinoam Shalem, Columbia University
Thelma K. Thomas, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Xin Yue (Sylvia) Wang, University of Toronto
Nancy Wu, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The panel will be followed by a reception and the ICMA Annual Meeting.

RSVP required. ICMA membership is not required. CAA Annual Conference registration is not required. All are welcome.