HYPOGEA 2017 lead image

HYPOGEA 2017, Cappadocia, March 6–10, 2017

The first International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities; HYPOGEA 2015 (I) was successfully held in Rome / Italy during March 11-15, 2015. Following this event, the second congress, HYPOGEA 2017 (II) will be held in the magnificent scenario of Cappadocia / Turkey during March 6-10, 2017.

The Congress will be organized by HYPOGEA (Italy) and OBRUK Cave Research Group (Turkey), with the patronages of International Union of Speleology, Balkan Speleological Union, Italian Federation of Speleology, Turkish Federation of Speleology, Istanbul Technical University / EURASIA Institute of Earth Sciences, Paris 8 University, CEKUL; The Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage, IRPI; Institute of Research for Hydrological Protection of the National Research Council of Italy, Municipality of Nevsehir and Directorate of Nevsehir Museums.

The main goal of HYPOGEA 2017 Congress is to continue the exchange of experiences acquired at the international level in the field of artificial cavities which had begun by HYPOGEA 2015.

During and after the Congress there will be several excursions to various underground cities, rock churches, cave dwellings and geologically interesting points of Cappadocia. Also, before and after the Congress there will be excursions in Istanbul.


Registration closes March 1, 2017.