Publications/Dec 15, 2021

Gregorii Antiochi Opera. Orationes et Epistulae

Gregorii Antiochi Opera. Orationes et Epistulae lead image

Alexander Sideras, ed. Gregorii Antiochi opera. Orationes et epistulae. Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Series Vindobonensis 54. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2021.

From Austrian Academy of Sciences Press

With the two volumes of this edition all preserved writings of Gregorios Antiochos (ca. 1130 – ca. 1200) are made accessible to the public for the first time. Antiochos, who has attracted increasing attention in the last decades, was a rhetor and prominent official of the Komnenan period, whose panegyrics, funeral orations, consolatory speeches and letters are important literary and linguistic documents, that provide an excellent insight into the culture and society of his time. The edition, equipped with an extensive introduction, contains overall 35 of Antiochosʼ texts, of which seven have remained unedited until now, with a German translation, index nominum propriorum, index locorum, incipit and desinit index.