Calls for Papers/May 30, 2017

Georgia - Byzantium - Christian East

Georgia - Byzantium - Christian East lead image

Georgia - Byzantium - Christian East (Actual Issues of Cultural Relations), Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, September 25–27, 2017

Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts (1/3 M. Aleksidze. Tbilisi, Georgia) is organizing the International Conference “Georgia-Byzantium-Christian East” on 25-27 September, 2017.

Georgian identity in the modern European world is defined by the proper definition of its cultural and historic experience in the history of world civilization. The aim of the conference is to prove that the Georgian culture is an essential part of world heritage. Georgian culture of the Middle Ages is an effective participator of the modern World cultural dialogue, as it is the part of common Christian world.

The conference addresses the themes: philology, history, theology and art history.

I session - Georgia

  1. Georgia and Christian East in early Middle Ages;
  2. Georgia and Byzantine Theology;
  3. Georgia and Byzantine Literature;
  4. Georgia and Byzantine Art History;
  5. Artistic Traditions of Christian East in Georgian Culture;
  6. Georgian Literary Centers of Christian East (Antioch, Palestine, Sinai).

II session - Byzantium

  1. Theology;
  2. Literature, literary centers;
  3. Art History;
  4. Historiography, Archaeology.

III session - Christian East

  1. Christian East in early Middle Ages;
  2. Artistic traditions of Christian East;
  3. Christian East - historiography, archaeology;
  4. Literary Centers in Christian East (Antioch, Palestine, Sinai);
  5. Digital philology.

Conference languages: Georgian and English.