Calls for Papers/Dec 04, 2018

Fibres in Early Textiles from Prehistory to AD 1600

Fibres in Early Textiles from Prehistory to AD 1600 lead image

Fibres in Early Textiles from Prehistory to AD 1600, Early Textiles Study Group Biennial Conference, University of Glasgow, June 6–7, 2019

Fibres are the primary material of textiles and define the qualities of the textiles they create. Originating from plants and animals, they have been used worldwide from very early times. In archaeological and historical contexts they occur as textiles and yarns and as processed or unprocessed raw materials.

Visual representations throw light on the work required to prepare different fibres and the importance of this work in social life. Documents and texts record the value of fibres and their part in the wider economy.

The conference aims to bring together experienced and early-career researchers. We especially invite papers on the following themes:

  • new results which contribute to the chronology of fibre use at a local or global level
  • developments in the identification and analysis of early textile fibres
  • fibre procurement and use within specific historical or archaeological contexts
  • the qualities of fibres and their contribution to finished textiles

The timeframe is prehistory to AD 1600; the geography is worldwide. Papers outside the timeframe will be considered where they are relevant to the conference themes.