Publications/Oct 27, 2017

Faith in Formulae

Faith in Formulae lead image

Wolfram Kinzig, ed. Faith in Formulae: A Collection of Early Christian Creeds and Creed-related Texts. 4 volumes. Oxford University Press, 2017.

From Oxford University Press

Creeds, such as the Apostolic and Nicene creeds, have shaped the core of the Christian faith. It is therefore surprising that for over a century there has been no comprehensive collection of the early Christian creeds in their original languages. However, the study of their history has made excellent progress. In the general introduction to this four-volume set, Wolfram Kinzig summarizes the present state of research. This is followed by a collection of all creeds and credal formulae of the early Church in Greek and Latin, covering the whole period from the writings of the New Testament down to the early Middle Ages. The source texts are taken from the most up-to-date critical editions available and newly found texts have been added. They are accompanied by English translations and where applicable introduced individually by brief remarks on their authorship, date, and provenance. The volumes feature useful notes and cross-references.