Courses & Workshops/Jun 01, 2017

Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium

Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium lead image

Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Vienna, June 10, 2017

On June 10, 2017, the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Vienna, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna, and Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft will host an exploratory workshop on “Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium.” The workshop is organized by Krystina Kubina (University of Vienna) and Alexander Riehle (Harvard University).

Epistolary poetry from the fourth century: Palladas and Gregory of Nazianzos
Christos Simelidis (Thessaloniki)

On law and love according to Agathias and Paul the Silentiary (AP V, 292–293)
Delphine Lauritzen (Paris)

Epigrammata epistulam faciunt?
Emilie van Opstall (Amsterdam)

Writing letters in verse in twelfth-century Byzantium: A symbiosis of forms and literary modes
Nikolaos Zagklas (Vienna)

Functions of letters in verse and prose: A comparison of Manuel Philes and Theodoros Hyrtakenos
Krystina Kubina (Vienna)

Epistolary poetry in Late Byzantium
Andreas Rhoby (Vienna)

Registration required.