Lectures/Jul 21, 2022

Endangered Monuments

Endangered Monuments lead image

Endangered Monuments, roundtable with Alina Kondratiuk (Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra), Özlem Eren (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Robert G. Ousterhout (University of Pennsylvania), From Kyivan Rus’ to Modern Ukraine: Virtual Conversations on History, Art, and Cultural Heritage, Dumbarton Oaks via Zoom, July 28, 2022, 12:00–1:00 pm

The monuments and rich cultural heritage of Kyivan Rus are currently endangered due to the ongoing war. This roundtable discussion engages with cultural heritage and its intangible aspects in times of conflict, underscoring key aspects of early Rus architecture and its development in a broader context, and the important monastic complex of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.


  • Alina Kondratiuk (Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra), “The Early Modern Role of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Painting School in the Formation of Ukrainian National Art”
  • Özlem Eren (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “Oldest Churches in Rus’ and Destruction of Cultural Memory” 


  • Robert G. Ousterhout (University of Pennsylvania), “Intangible Heritage, Multiple Narratives.”

This series of events is co-organized by Dumbarton Oaks in collaboration with North of Byzantium and Connected Central European Worlds, 1500–1700.

Advance registration required.