Funding/Oct 01, 2018

Dumbarton Oaks Fellowships 2019–2020

Dumbarton Oaks Fellowships 2019–2020 lead image

Dumbarton Oaks awards fellowships to Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian scholars on the basis of demonstrated scholarly ability and preparation of the candidate, including knowledge of requisite languages, interest and value of the study or project, and the project’s relevance to the resources of Dumbarton Oaks.

Junior Fellowships are for degree candidates who at the time of application have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD or appropriate final degree and will be working on a dissertation or final project at Dumbarton Oaks under the direction of a faculty member at their own university. Graduate students who do not have the PhD in hand by the application deadline of November 1 must apply as Junior Fellows. Successful applicants for Junior Fellowships who have the PhD in hand by the beginning of the Fellowship term may be granted the status and stipend of Fellows.

Fellowships are for scholars who hold a doctorate or appropriate final degree or have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research.

Summer Fellowships are for Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, or Garden and Landscape scholars at any level beyond the first year of graduate (post-baccalaureate) study.