Publications/Feb 05, 2018

Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity

Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity lead image

Faith Pennick Morgan. Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity: The Clothing of the Middle and Lower Classes. Brill, 2018.

From Brill

This book examines the dress and personal appearance of members of the middle and lower classes in the eastern Mediterranean region during the 4th to 8th centuries. Written, art historical and archaeological evidence is assessed with a view to understanding the way that cloth and clothing was made, embellished, cared for and recycled during this period.

Beginning with an overview of current research on Roman dress, the book looks in detail at the use of apotropaic and amuletic symbols and devices on clothing before examining sewing and making methods, the textile industry and the second-hand clothing trade. The final chapter includes detailed information on the making and modelling of exact replicas based on extant garments.