Funding/May 01, 2020

Doctoral Positions, Longing for Perfection, KU Leuven

Doctoral Positions, Longing for Perfection, KU Leuven lead image

In October 2017, a team of KU Leuven professors consisting of G. Roskam (spokesperson), J. Leemans, P. Van Deun, G. Van Riel, and Joseph Verheyden, has launched an interdisciplinary research project entitled ‘Longing for Perfection. Living the Perfect Life in Late Antiquity – A Journey Between Ideal and Reality’. The project is funded by the Research Fund of the University of Leuven. The team is now opening an extra call to hire two research fellows at the level of PhD candidate.

The project studies one of the most fundamental ideas of ancient Greek culture – the search for perfection. For centuries, not only philosophers and theologians, but also other intellectuals have reflected on what this ideal should consist in, devising ways of pursuing it in a wide range of human activities. A major focus is the complex relationship between theory and praxis and between ideal and reality, as found in pagan and Christian Greek literature from the first seven centuries CE. The team has set two main goals: the production of a comprehensive study of the different aspects of ancient ideals of perfection and of a number of in-depth studies of specific problems and core issues related to the overall topic.

Candidates are invited to apply for a full-time, four-year fellowship in one of the following sub-projects:

  • A study of the martyr homilies of John Chrysostom.
  • A study of the reception of the figures of Abraham, Moses and David in early Christian literature.

The candidates have a broad and solid competence in late ancient philosophy and preferably also basic knowledge of early Christianity. A strong command of Greek (and preferably also of Latin) is essential, as is the ability to combine historical and philosophical/theological methodologies in an interdisciplinary way. Candidates demonstrating a thorough knowledge of relevant literary sources will be especially attractive; proven expertise in one or more of the research domains is an asset. The team welcomes applications from candidates with an excellent graduate degree (typically M.A.) in Classics or in related disciplines (e.g. Ancient History, Byzantine Studies, Religious Studies).

Applicants should be fluent in at least one of the following languages: English, French or German. The dissertation should as a rule be written in one of these languages.