Funding/Mar 20, 2017

Doctoral Positions, Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms

Doctoral Positions, Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms lead image

Within the framework of the DFG-supported Research Training Group 2190—Literatur- und Wissensgeschichte kleiner Formen (The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms)—at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, applications are invited for 5 Doctoral Postions to begin on 1 June 2017. The Research Training Group analyzes small forms from a literary perspective and with regard to the history of knowledge, from antiquity to the present, and concentrates on their functions in different fields of praxis: literature, science, and popular culture. The main focus is on the interrelationships between aesthetic, epistemic, and praxeological aspects of small forms.

The positions will be awarded to young researchers from the fields of literature, history, cultural and media studies. Applications from abroad are particularly encouraged. Applicants for a doctoral position must be able to demonstrate outstanding accomplishments, in particular in their university degrees (Master, Master of Education, state examinations for teachers, or equivalents).