Funding/Jun 12, 2017

Doc/Postdoc Positions, Paratexts of the Bible

Doc/Postdoc Positions, Paratexts of the Bible lead image

The European Research Council (ERC) funded project “ParaTexBib – Paratexts of the Bible: Analysis and Edition of the Greek Textual Transmission” invites applications for 3–4 doctoral/post-doctoral positions. The positions at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München are for a period of two years, starting from the earliest convenient date.

Applicants should be highly qualified in the subjects of philology/ancient Greek, theology/church history, Byzantine studies, or ancient history. Very good knowledge of classical, biblical, or Byzantine Greek is required, and in addition knowledge of at least two relevant modern scholarly languages. The capability for working well on a research team is essential.

For postdoctoral applicants a doctorate in a relevant field and experience in handling Greek manuscripts is required. Previous knowledge in the fields of critical text-editing, bible scholarship, Greek paleography, codicology, or digital humanities is a plus.

For (prospective) doctoral students, successful completion of a master’s degree, as well as a doctoral dissertation planned or already begun in a relevant area, is required. Supervision of a doctorate in the fields of Church History, Greek philology, or Byzantine studies is possible, with the option of co-advising as well.