Courses & Workshops/Feb 22, 2018

Division and Classification of the Byzantine Élite

Division and Classification of the Byzantine Élite lead image

The Division and Classification of the Byzantine Élite (11th and 12th Centuries), University of Vienna, March 5, 2018, 5:00–6:30 pm

The Wittgenstein Project Team invites participants to its ninth group discussion meeting. “Forum Moving Byzantium IX” will take place on Monday 05.03.2018, from 17:00 to 18:30, at the Department of  Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (University of Vienna, Postgasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Staircase 1, Third Floor, Seminarraum).

The Forum Moving Byzantium IX will provide the unique opportunity to  discuss with Mr. Márton Rózsa
his current work on “The division and classification of the Byzantine élite (11th and 12th centuries)”.

Márton Rózsa is a doctoral student at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), where he started his doctoral studies in the Medieval World History Doctoral Program in 2012. He is currently completing his thesis on “The Byzantine Second-Tier Élite in the Long Twelfth Century” under the supervision of Dr. Balázs Nagy. Rózsa has a special interest in Byzantine political thought, sigillography and social history with a focus on the period from the tenth to thirteenth centuries.

After a brief introduction in English, a group discussion based on preparatory readings will follow.

Some of the research questions that we will explore are the following:

  • What is the relation between the mobility of Byzantine society and the division of the élite?
  • What connection can we find between the classification of the élite and the several microstructures of Byzantine society (family, oikos etc.)?
  • What is the significance of categorization and division in the study of the Byzantine élite today?

RSVP requested.