Calls for Papers/Aug 19, 2022

Digitizing the Middle Ages: The Impacts of Digitized Corpora on Medieval Historiography

Digitizing the Middle Ages: The Impacts of Digitized Corpora on Medieval Historiography lead image

Digitizing the Middle Ages: The Impacts of Digitized Corpora on Medieval Historiography, session at the 2023 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 3–6, 2023

For over half a century, since R. Bush's punch cards, medieval documents have been encoded in a binary data computing system. Currently, the digitization and structuring of documentary corpora is an unavoidable reality for the most part of the medievalists. However, little attention has been paid to the history and historicity of these uses, as well as the impacts of these new media, on the specific field of Medieval History. Reflecting on the historiographical epistemic consequences of the use of digitized corpora of documents in necessary and the central focus of this session of papers.

This paper session welcomes all approaches in the field of Digital Humanities. In particular, research concerned with:

  • History writing, historiography and its relations with the use of digitized corpora of medieval documents;
  • The epistemic analysis on the impacts of the use of digital documentation for the production of knowledge about the Middle Ages;
  • Historiographical periodization and the use of digital documentation;
  • The impacts of the previous elements on the production of knowledge in historiographical specific fields such as hagiography, diplomatics, cartography, etc...

This session will be virtual.

Sessions organizers
Eliana Magnani, CBMA/LaMOP/CNRS-Paris 1