Funding/Feb 16, 2017

Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton University

Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, Princeton University lead image

The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) at Princeton University invites applications for a two-year Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, starting in July 2017. As a member of the CDH team, the Digital Humanities Fellow will devote 50% time to participating in the life of the Center, which includes: collaborating with faculty, graduate students, librarians, programmers, and designers on DH projects, providing consultations, offering workshops, and attending regular staff meetings and CDH events. The successful candidate will be required to teach at least one but no more than two digital humanities courses during the two year term of their fellowship, subject to approval by the Dean of the Faculty, and will carry the title of lecturer when teaching. The Digital Humanities Fellow will have 50% time to develop his or her own research project during non-teaching terms and will have CDH staff guidance on the project.

The successful candidate is an innovative scholar who will bring theoretical, methodological, and technical expertise to the CDH community. Demonstrated experience working on digital humanities projects, as well as familiarity with the main DH trends, research tools and technologies, is required. Expertise in data visualization and/or network analysis is preferred. The Fellow must show excellence in teaching, and must have skill and interest in advising students and colleagues in Digital Humanities work. The Fellow must have the ability to work collaboratively, and have excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills. Untenured scholars who received a PhD within the last three years are eligible to apply.

The Digital Humanities Fellowship is a 12-month position, with the second year renewed upon satisfactory performance.