Lectures/Nov 19, 2021

Did Christians Erase the Names of Their Persecutors? The Case of North Africa

Did Christians Erase the Names of Their Persecutors? The Case of North Africa lead image

Did Christians erase the names of their persecutors? The case of North Africa, lecture by Rebecca Usherwood (Trinity College Dublin), University College Dublin via Zoom, November 30, 2021, 4:00–5:15 pm (Dublin)

Rebecca Usherwood is Assistant Professor in Late Antique and Early Byzantine Studies at Trinity College Dublin. Her research focuses on the political and cultural history of the Roman and later Roman Empire, especially the third and fourth centuries A.D. 

Part of UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy's new Late Antique and Byzantine seminar series. The series is organized by Sean Leatherbury and Lynda Mulvin.

Advance registration required.