Calls for Papers/Aug 17, 2022

Death in the Mediterranean I & II

Death in the Mediterranean I & II lead image

Death in the Mediterranean I & II, CU Mediterranean Studies Group and the Mediterranean Seminar sponsored sessions at the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 11–13, 2023

Papers are sought for “Death in the Mediterranean” I & II, two sessions proposed for the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies, to be held in person at Western Michigan University, at Kalamazoo MI, May 11–13, 2023, sponsored by the CU Mediterranean Studies Group and the Mediterranean Seminar

Papers are sought that explore how people of various classes, genders, and religious traditions grappled with death, memorialized it, sanctified it or vilified it across the Mediterranean world, and to see how Christians, Muslims, and Jews from Europe, North Africa and West Asia commemorated, avenged, feared or forestalled death, and how they imagined it in art, literature and song. Interdisciplinary and comparative papers are particularly welcome as are those that employ innovative methodologies or approaches.

Session organizer
Nuria Silleras-Fernandez, University of Colorado Boulder