Dartmouth invites applications for 2017–2020 Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowships. These postdoctoral fellowships foster the academic careers of scholars who have recently received their Ph.D. degrees, by permitting them to pursue their research while gaining mentored experience as teachers and members of the departments and/or programs in which they are housed. The program also benefits Dartmouth by complementing existing curricula with underrepresented fields. Applications will be accepted in the various fields of humanities, social sciences, interdisciplinary programs, sciences, engineering, business and medicine.
Society Junior Fellows
- participate in the activities of the Society, including presenting their own work;
- hold appointments as a Lecturers in a department and/or program as well as Junior Fellows in the Society; this appointment is not tenure-track;
- teach one course each of the second and third academic years;
- are in residence for the fall, winter and spring terms, and during one of two summer terms;
- receive training in teaching via the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL);
- off-campus research leave during academic terms is permitted only in rare cases, only for brief periods of time, and only upon written application to the Faculty Director of the Society well in advance of the proposed leave.
- are not asked to teach basic language courses;
- have access to college resources such as the library and computing center;
- do not control dedicated laboratory or studio space.
Applicants for the 2017 – 2020 Society Fellowships must have completed a Ph.D. no earlier than January 1, 2015.