Publication Reviews/Jun 18, 2021

Constantin VII Porphyrogénète: Le livre des cérémonies

Constantin VII Porphyrogénète: Le livre des cérémonies lead image
Considering the size, technical language, complexity, and historical ramifications of this text, all of the contributors to this new edition are to be warmly commended for producing such a coherent, thorough, and user-friendly scholarly instrument. Moreover, as the Book of Ceremonies is the gateway to our understanding of so many aspects of imperial history and administration, the religious and courtly life of Constantinople, and the evolution of the Greek language, all scholars of the later empire should learn how to use this magisterial new edition and its commentaries.

Gilbert Dagron, Bernard Flusin, and Denis Feissel. Constantin VII Porphyrogénète: Le livre des cérémonies. Corpus fontium historiae byzantinae 52/1-5. Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisations de Byzance, 2020.

From the Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR). Review by Anthony Kaldellis, The Ohio State University