Calls for Papers/May 24, 2016

Confluences, Connections, and Correspondences

Confluences, Connections, and Correspondences lead image

Confluences, Connections, and Correspondences: Music and Visual Culture Conference, University of Toronto, October 13–14, 2016

The publication of The Routledge Companion to Music and Visual Culture in 2014 reexamined the diversity and breadth of interdisciplinary study of music and the visual arts, drawing together the various threads of scholarship that have emerged over the past two decades. The 2016 “Confluences, Connections, and Correspondences: Music and Visual Culture Conference” will reflect on the issues and questions raised by this significant publication. Drawing on various theories, methodologies, and frameworks, this conference seeks to bring together wide-ranging, multidisciplinary, and inclusive approaches to the study of these disciplines in conjunction with one another.

We invite proposals for individual papers and themed sessions examining aspects of music, visual culture, and related fields across broad-ranging media, geographical regions, and time periods. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Art and music
  • Art history and musicology
  • Music and dance
  • Music and drama studies
  • Music and film studies
  • Music and new media
  • Music and painting
  • Music and screen media
  • Music and theatre
  • Music in art
  • Notation as visual form
  • Performance and performativity
  • Sound and architecture
  • Sound and colour
  • Sound and space
  • Sound art
  • Sound sculpture
  • Spectatorship and participation
  • Synaesthesia
  • Visual communication