Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Looking Back - Looking Ahead

Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Looking Back - Looking Ahead lead image

Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Looking back - Looking ahead, University of Hamburg, September 26, 2016

One year after the publication of the handbook "Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies. An Introduction", which marked the formal completion of the European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme COMSt, and after the "rebirth" of the network in its present form, the time has come to reactivate the personal exchange, which demonstrated itself to be so fruitful during the past years.

The network, which has become affiliated to the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures at Hamburg since 2016, would like to therefore invite the past and present COMSt members to a one-day conference on 26 September 2016.

The day shall offer a possibility to learn about the ongoing and new projects in oriental manuscript studies, focusing in particular on those that have been called into life in the past two years and are not yet widely known to the COMSt community and/or those that have made significant advances since we last had a chance to talk about them.

A discussion on the ways and directions of research cooperation shall complete the day.


Registration closes September 10, 2016.