Publications/Nov 09, 2020

Coinage and Money in Medieval Greece 1200-1430

Coinage and Money in Medieval Greece 1200-1430 lead image

Julian Baker. Coinage and Money in Medieval Greece 1200-1430. 2 volumes. The Medieval Mediterranean, volume 124. Brill, 2020.

From Brill

Coinage and Money in Medieval Greece 1200-1430, by Julian Baker, is a monetary history of medieval Thessaly, mainland Greece and the Peloponnese, Epiros, and adjacent islands. The central focus of the book is the record of coin finds and coin types, which this study presents in a fully developed political, socio-economic, military, and archaeological/topographical context.

In medieval Greece there is a strong symbiosis between monetary and historical developments. The general level of documentation is also vastly superior to the preceding middle Byzantine period. Volume Two presents and evaluates these data. Volume One offers analyses on major historical themes, which demonstrate that the monetary sources can hold narratives in their own rights, complementing and at times contradicting the established accounts.