Lectures/Mar 04, 2019

Climate, Disease, and the End of Rome?

Climate, Disease, and the End of Rome? lead image

Climate, Disease, and the End of Rome? New Findings and Old Debates in the Environmental History of Late Antiquity, lecture by Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Royal Holloway, University of London, March 6, 2019, 6:15–8:15 pm

How does climate change affect civilisations?

The end of the Roman empire was peppered with floods, plagues, and earthquakes. But how crucial were these phenomena in the dissolution of the greatest single state the western world has ever known?

This lecture will explore this thrilling topic, discussing the ominous accounts of those who suffered these episodes and providing an overview of the main multidisciplinary methods and debates in the field.

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller is Senior Researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and member of the “Climate Change and History Research Initiative” of Princeton University.

RSVP requested.