Publication Reviews/Jan 25, 2017

Churches EA and E at Sardis

Churches EA and E at Sardis lead image

As usual in Buchwald's work, we find an interpretive model of the dynamic relationship between architectural design and construction: of how Byzantine buildings were translated from a conceived design idea into a materialized building solution. Buchwald's book on the churches of Sardis is bound to become a model for disciplined and meticulous analysis of Byzantine architectural creations, especially monuments that are no longer standing but are documented through excavation.

Hans Buchwald. Churches EA and E at Sardis. Archaeological exploration of Sardis, report 6. Cambridge, MA; London: Archeological Exploration of Sardis, 2015.

From Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR). Review by Nikos Tsivikis, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz